Month of mindful self love

How have you conveyed your affection to yourself so far this year? Yes, we are here already in the 2nd month of 2021. Was Self love in the list of things you wanted to do this year? If not, I would suggest you do. Guess what? You see the Dot art above ? An art I decided to print out and hang over my desk for this month. Reminding myself that before I care for the many people in my life and in my community, I need to start by filling my own cup. Reminding myself that everything takes time. So, just one loving thought a day towards myself will take me a long way towards making me my own beautiful self.

Sit down today. Take a deep breath, create a dot grid with 10 by 10 dots. Smile and follow along with your eyes gently lifting up to look at the picture, then looking down at the pencil in your hand and the paper it makes contact with. All the while being mindful. Spreading that relaxing breath of love to yourself. Move on, create the art and send this to me on my facebook page.

So, I know I have touched someone else in the whole process of putting this art out there into the ethernet. Have a happy month of love. Just remember you are enough.

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