Five Mindful Mental Hygiene Tips to Help You Spring Forward
Yes we all want to spring forward in our lives. But what is stopping us?
Take the example of a bunny hop exercise in slow slow motion(Click here). What decides the distance of how far you can jump? It takes conscious effort. The more you take time to ground yourself the farther you can spring forward. Isn’t that so? Same turns out to be true with our mental ability to think above and beyond places imaginable by our short sighted mind’s view. You
Let us get you springing forward with these 5 steps.
1. Understanding the root cause of our inability to spring farther
What stops us is our in-action towards giving ourselves the time to pause and examine these powerful abilities that lie within us. We start to run our marathon even before we have mentally prepared ourselves to make it to the finish line. We are plain lazy to spend time preparing our willpower to be strong enough to complete the leap. To be able to get to that finish line, there seems to be no shortcut . You have to take the time to get your core strong to be able to take on the journey, so you can spring as far as you can.
2. Build your Self Belief and Self Trust
Say you want to run that marathon or hike up the highest mountain peaks that surround you. Where does the journey begin? What factor decides how far you will make it through that marathon or that trail?
It begins with your strong belief of whether you are truly capable of taking on the challenge. Those many moments you convince yourself to ground yourself into believing that in-fact you are more than capable of meeting this challenge head on.
3. Take a Pause, make the commitment
But how can we engage our mind into taking this unpleasant activity of facing the truth of the work involved in getting mentally stronger? We start by taking a pause. But the mind believes taking a break is a waste of time. Now what? One way I have devised into tricking myself is to attract the mind to take a pause through colorful sand dot art. Something our mind perceives to be pretty, colorful and tangible. Just like luring a kid with a colorful shiny object, our first step should be to pull our mind’s attention from the mode of doing into the mode of just being in presence of your own creative creations.
4. Learn to just be and go with the flow.
Once you have your mind distracted towards a creative outlet, it automatically starts to relax and the right side of our brain takes control. This is where relaxation and creativity resides. Mind relaxes through sequential repetitive breathing while you pour the sand or place the grid of dots with your pencil on a paper. You are now training the monkey mind to stay within your control. Add a smile on your face and you have now entered the zone of blissful relaxation. You start to feel the flow. You start to feel the connection with yourself. Something you were avoiding. This is all the mind needs to reset, recharge and believe.
5.Time to let go and spring forward
We quietly enjoy the sand dot art for say 15 to 20 minutes. (Sample Videos here)The time comes to let the art go. Erase the art, let all the judgements go. You have now successfully broken the cycle of incessant overthinking cycle of thoughts that stopped you from springing forward. It is time to take control of ourselves and be in charge to convince ourselves of the enormous abilities we are all born with. Facing your fears becomes less daunting, as you are now energized with fresh, clearer creative perspectives following your mindful dot art practice. You may now have a way of looking at any situation that might be thrown at us . We can then spring as far as we are truly capable of.
If you want to take that pause and recharge yourself. If you want to put that spring in your step, come knock at my door. Reach out to me via the contact us form so we can set you up with a discovery call to discover your hidden abilities hiding behind the doors of excuses.
It is all in the art of letting go! Let go of the ground beneath you and jump high up into the sky. Be the kite that flies untethered ! It is possible only if you let yourself be.