“Mindful Dot Art is a culmination
of the benefits of Mindfulness,
art and Meditation.”
A Pragmatic approach to see yourself differently. It is not a set of practices. It is just one practice of dot art that you use to exercise your mind to learn to find creative solutions to life. Gaining new perspectives of things.
Art is a tool like Betty Edwards says in her book, “Drawing on the right side of the brain” in activating the right brain so we can apply breaks to the usual pattern and teach it a new way of thinking.
The most important factor of this art is the concept of being in the here and now (being mindful) to be able to create the most symmetric design.
Mindful Sand Dot Art is a technique devised by me by marrying the learnings of my Mindfulness Practitioner course along with the Sand Art to introduce the idea of Mindfulness through this ancient Indian Art. Bottle Sand Dot art is the simplest way to introduce this art form to beginners.
This is a modern way of creating art with sand in bottles. We pour sand into small piles of dots, then using different tools like spoons, forks, pencils, bottle caps, Q-Tips, Toothpicks and fingertips tips we create impressions and designs in the sand.
In this form, we take pinch of sand in our thumb and pointer fingers to place the dots in grids and then connecting them the with lines or swirls
In this art form, we take a pinch of sand in our thumb and pointer fingers, place dots in a grid but create swirly lines around the dots without touching the lines to the dots.
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMUNt12 HQLL/?igshid=s9ubnimkxgu8
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMVvvbrH gjw/?igshid=fz3ck3fu3rhk
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMapeg4H 2Qa/?igshid=1oq98v5uvuu1c
https://www.instagram.com/p/CMdmxnAH8 OL/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://www.instagram.com/p/CMBkwLQHY h5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://www.instagram.com/p/CLx51E7Hlhb /?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Sand Dot Art sessions range from 1 hour to 2 hours.
What do we achieve in the Sessions?
- Slow yourself down and understand the variety of strokes involved in the choice of art by the instructor
- Practice the strokes.
- Create the new art as we focus onsynchronizing the breath with the flow of the sand. Thus calming any anxiety and improving focus.
- Once done, we brush sand art off into bottles, thus learning the art of letting go.
What is the cost of these sessions?
$45 per person/1 hour class
Includes use of 3 colored sand bottles and remaining sand to go. On Going classes
Sand Bottle Art – Rangoli – Kolam Ages 8- Adult
$160 for 4 classes
$300 for 10 classes
Mindful Pencil Dot Art
Short History of Pencil Dot Art
Before the artists can create the above Rangoli or Kolam art in sand, they come up with designs in their sketchbook using pencil and paper. This is what I teach as part of the online Mindful Pencil Dot Art Meditation classes.
How long do the Mindful Pencil Dot Art sessions last?
The Mindful Pencil Dot Art Meditation classes are short 30 minute classes taught online for a quick 30 minute lunch time creative relaxation technique. Mindful Pencil Dot Art is a form of Art therapy infused with meditation for a profound relaxation in just half an hour. This mode of pencil drawing is also taught as a precursor for the 1.5 hour Sand Art sessions.
Location Of Events
You can pick one of the locations for your classes
- Hera Hub Irvine
- 16480 Bake Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92618 Register for Hera Hub Classes
- Great Park Neighborhood Irvine Zen Garden Novel Park, Great Park,Irvine, CA 92618
- Artime Barro
- 450 Ocean Ave
- Laguna Beach, CA 92651